十大赌博app serves a 多样化的 community by offering quality academic education, 劳动力发展和成人教育的机会是可获得和负担得起的. 为了这个目的, the College fully supports and seeks to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (艾达), 1973年康复法案的第二章和第504节.
Gadsden State strives to create a welcoming environment for all students and will work in good faith with faculty, 工作人员 and students to provide access and reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities.
残疾人服务和资源办公室 位于学院东校区的乔·福特大楼105室. 我们鼓励学生, 访客和残疾员工可以十大赌博app讨论住宿需求. 帕姆·克拉夫是联系人,您可以通过以下方式联系到她 pclough@kerenann.net or 256-549-8462.
残疾服务和资源办公室(DSR)负责协调住宿需求, 残疾相关信息, 辅助技术服务, 为学术相关目的提供手语翻译和转录服务. DSR不提供残疾评估和/或测试, 辅导, 个人支出, attendants or scholarships; however, 我们确实提供资源和推荐信息.
The Gadsden State Disability Services and 资源 Office will interact and collaborate with faculty, 工作人员, 为残障学生实现公平的学习环境;
Disability Services and 资源 exercises these principles to promote an environment where disability is seen as a valued aspect of diversity:
- 股本 – Access is achieved only when all students can fully participate in the educational opportunities, 活动, 和GSCC提供的服务.
- 协作 – Access happens when individuals from across campus come together to meet the needs of a 多样化的 community of learners.
- 卓越 – We strive to establish best practices through leadership in addressing barriers to access and furthering the global conversation on disability in higher education.
残疾是在1990年的《十大赌博app》中定义的, the 艾达 Amendments Act of 2008 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life 活动. 学习是一种重要的生活活动. 如果你有精神或身体上的问题, 患这种病的病史, 或者是被他人认为具有实质性限制的条件, 你可能患有法律规定的残疾.
根据1973年康复法案第504条, 严重限制被定义为无法进行一项主要的生命活动, 或者在病情上受到严重限制, 的方式, 或一个主要生命活动可以进行的持续时间, 与一般人或大多数人相比.
根据1973年康复法案第504条, 一项重要的生活活动被定义为照顾自己, 执行手动任务, 走, 看到, 听力, 说话, 呼吸, 学习, 和工作.
2008年的《十大赌博app》将这一清单扩大到包括饮食, 睡觉, 站, 提升, 阅读, 弯曲, 集中, 思考, 沟通, 和工作. 此外,艾达AA还包括主要的身体功能(如.g., 免疫系统的功能, 正常细胞生长, 消化, 肠, 膀胱, 神经系统, 大脑, 呼吸, 循环, 内分泌, 以及生殖功能”).
适当的学术调整创造了平等的受教育机会, 只要它不需要对课程的基本要素进行实质性的改变. 这是由机构决定的. Such modifications may include an adjustment in the amount of time allowed to complete a degree, 取代学位要求, 以及适应特定课程的教学方式.
艾达.政府 -关于《十大赌博app》的信息和技术援助.
阿拉巴马州高等教育和残疾人协会 -阿拉巴马AHEAD是国际组织的州附属机构, 高等教育与残疾协会(AHEAD). Alabama AHEAD is committed to the principles of equal access and full participation of students with disabilities in postsecondary education, and promotes excellence in the provision of accessibility services through professional development and support.
阿拉巴马州康复服务部 - 1994年由阿拉巴马州立法机关设立, the 阿拉巴马州康复服务部 (ADRS) is the state agency that serves people with disabilities from birth to old age through a “continuum of services.”
阿斯伯格综合症 -来自《十大赌博app》,关于阿斯伯格综合症的信息.
高等教育与残疾协会 — AHEAD is a professional membership organization for individuals involved in the development of policy and in the provision of quality services to meet the needs of persons with disabilities involved in all areas of higher education. 此时此刻, 我们自夸不止2个,800名会员遍布美国, 加拿大, 英格兰, 澳大利亚, 爱尔兰, 北爱尔兰, 新西兰, 南非, 瑞典, 日本和希腊.
“孤独症代言人” -自闭症之声致力于推广解决方案, 在整个谱系和整个生命周期中, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families through advocacy and support; increasing under站 and acceptance of people with autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions.
DO-IT残障、机会、互联网和技术 - it残障人士, 机会, 网络互连, and Technology) Center is dedicated to empowering people with disabilities through technology and education. It promotes awareness and accessibility—in both the classroom and the workplace—to maximize the potential of individuals with disabilities and make our communities more vibrant, 多样化的, 和包容的.
学习的盟友 — 学习的盟友 is a national non-profit dedicated to helping students with print disabilities, 包括失明, 视觉障碍和阅读障碍. “学习同盟”改善了学生在家和课堂上的学习方式.
美国学习障碍协会 — LDA Visualizes a World in Which: all individuals with 学习 disabilities are empowered to thrive and participate fully in society; the incidence of 学习 disabilities is reduced; and 学习 disabilities are universally understood and effectively addressed. LDA’s mission is to create opportunities for success for all individuals affected by 学习 disabilities and to reduce the incidence of 学习 disabilities in future generations.
保护残疾学生 — An important responsibility of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability against students with disabilities. OCR receives numerous complaints and inquiries in the area of elementary and secondary education involving Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 修订的, 29 U.S.C. §794(第504节). Most of these concern identification of students who are protected by Section 504 and the means to obtain an appropriate education for such students.
十大赌博app is committed to providing all information on its website in an accessible format to everyone. If you find any problems that prevent access, please contact us using the contact information below. 让我们知道你的可访问性问题的本质, 我们可以提供任何无法访问的内容在另一种格式.
十大赌博app不歧视残疾人. 我们的网站旨在与 康复法案第508条, developing electronic information for equitable access to individuals with disabilities that is comparable to that provided for individuals without disabilities. We have adopted the criteria for accessibility of online content outlined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and documented as Web内容可访问性指南.0.
所有材料的副本均可按要求以大号打印. 此外,本网站的内容将被宣读给任何提出要求的人.
大学网络空间的其他网站, 或者是那些可能是公共或私人的个人和特定团体, are not included under our legal mandate although we encourage all employees and groups to make all web content accessible.
如果您在使用自适应技术时访问网站的任何部分有困难, 提供可访问性建议, 或者需要任何内容的替代格式, 请联系艾达协调员, 帕姆·克拉夫 pclough@kerenann.net or 256-549-8462.
Blackboard的可访问性信息可在 www.黑板上.com/黑板上-accessibility-commitment.
行动不便的个人(访客、员工、学生)应联系 艾达协调员 on or nearest their campus to obtain information regarding limitations to physical accessibility of some buildings and programs and to obtain accommodations as needed. 学生 with mobility impairments are encouraged to contact the 艾达协调员 before completing their academic schedules.
Ayers校园: Ms. Cindy Haynes, 艾达联系人| chaynes@kerenann.net, 256-835-5411
切罗基校园: Ms. Luanne Hayes, 艾达联系人| lhayes@kerenann.net, 256-927-1805
加兹登校园: Ms. 帕梅拉·克拉夫,艾达协调员 pclough@kerenann.net, 256-549-8462
- 教室可访问性
- 测试设施
- 作业的备选格式
- 记录员/笔记员
- 手语翻译/ CART记录员
- 读者/文员
- 自适应技术
- 电子文本(教科书的电子副本,有限制)
- 计算器(有限制)
- TextAloud文本转语音软件
- 教学大纲、测试和讲义的大型打印副本
- FM系统(为我们提供的听障学生)
- 放大听诊器
- 闭路电视(cctv,固定)
- 扫描仪
- 盲文压花机
- 可调节高度的桌子
- 辅助电脑软件
- 窗口-眼睛,缩放文本,大白鲨,科学笔记本
- 服务性动物(允许)